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This was one of my fanfics from my cartoon beatles webpage. If you wanna see the other fanfics, go to .com/rock3/beatles/beatlefanfic ENJOY!

NARRATOR: One day, the boys are relaxing in the park, until suddenly...

(Fans screaming)

JOHN: Here we go again.

(Boys ran away)

PAUL: Quick! In there!

(Boys jump in each trash cans, Fans ran pass them)

GEORGE: (Pop his head out) They're gone.

RINGO: (Sigh of relief) Phew, what a chase. I thought we'd never get away.

PAUL: Yeah, if we're not careful, who knows what might happen to us.

JOHN: Come on, let's eat.

NARRATOR: So, the boys are eating their dinner in the park.

RINGO: Boy, I love eating in this wonderful park.

PAUL: Me too. It's very peaceful and quiet.

JOHN: Yeah. Let's hope we all get peace and quiet for the rest of the day.

RINGO: Same goes for me. (Yawns) I'm getting tired.

GEORGE: Well, let's go back to our apartment.

(Boys left the park)

NARRATOR: When the boys are almost close to their apartment...

(Fans screaming resumes)

GEORGE: Oh no.

PAUL: Come on!

(Ran off)

NARRATOR: While the boys are running, Ringo accidently ran into a different direction to the right instead of left. Their fans ran off after the other boys quickly went inside.

PAUL: (Panting) That was close.

GEORGE: Say, where's Ringo?

JOHN: Huh? Yeah, where is he?

(Paul heard a man yell)

PAUL: What was that?

GEORGE: Let's go see!

NARRATOR: The boys ran outside, and heard a moaning sound coming from their right. As they ran down...

JOHN: Oh! It's Ringo! He's unconcious!

GEORGE: (Shake Ringo) Ringo! Say something!

JOHN: (Touched Ringo's head) Oh no! We gotta do something. I feel something funny on his bruise spot inside his head.

PAUL: Where are we gonna take him to?

JOHN: Dr. Peterson?

GEORGE: No! He always misdiagnosed us from the past time. But I've got the perfect doctor.

PAUL: We gotta hurry. He's dying!

JOHN: He's not dying,gucci calzature uomo, you clot! I can still hear him breathing.

PAUL: Let's just go.

NARRATOR: So, the boys took Ringo to the hospital of the doctor George choose: Dr. Robert.

DR. ROBERT: Oh my!

PAUL: Is he alright?

DR. ROBERT: His head looks bad. We gotta take him to the operating room now!

NARRATOR: So,discount vibram five fingers, Dr. Robert took Ringo to the operating room while the boys are waiting in the waiting room. 2 1/2 hours later, Dr. Robert came into the waiting room.


(Boys turned up to Dr. Robert)

DR. ROBERT: (Smiles) He lived.

JOHN, PAUL GEORGE: (Sigh of relief) Ohh...

JOHN: What did you do?

DR. ROBERT: I put a plate inside his head.

PAUL: How come?

DR. ROBERT: He had a crack on his skull under his bruise.


DR. ROBERT: Don't ask me. Don't you guys know what happened to him?

(The boys shook their heads)

DR. ROBERT: Well, ask Ringo if he knows. You can visit him in the morning. You guys can stay here for the night.

JOHN: Thanks.

(Dr. Robert left the room)

NARRATOR: The next morning, the boys went to room 740, which is Ringo's room.

JOHN: (The boys walk in) Hey, Ringo. How are you feeling?

RINGO: Who's Ringo?


RINGO: And who are you?

PAUL: It's us, Ringo! Don't you remember?


PAUL: I'll call Dr. Robert. (Push the HELP button)

DR. ROBERT: (Came in) What's wrong?

PAUL: Ringo doesn't seem to remember us anymore.

(Dr. Robert took a look at Ringo)

RINGO: Who are you?


JOHN: What?

DR. ROBERT: It seems that Ringo has amnesia.

PAUL: You mean that's why Ringo's like that?


GEORGE: How long will he stay here for?

DR. ROBERT: A week. While he stays here,MBT Kafala Schuhe Braun Damen, you guys can be my assistants of the hospital, so you can help me take care of my patients, including Ringo.

JOHN: Great.

NARRATOR: While Ringo still has amnesia, the boys agreed to help Dr. Robert out at being his assistants. Paul serves food for the patients, including Ringo, and George is taking turns with John by nursing Ringo. Later that evening...

PAUL: (Came in) I got you some dinner.

RINGO: Uh...Thanks.

PAUL: Are you sure you don't remember me?

RINGO: I'm sure I don't.

PAUL: Not even John or George?


PAUL: Can we at least call you Ringo?


PAUL: How's your head?

RINGO: My head hurts.

PAUL: (Grab his walkie talkie) John.

JOHN: (Grab walkie talkie) What is it?

PAUL: Bring some medicine for Ringo. He has a headache.

JOHN: Over and out. Be right there.

(John dashed in)

PAUL: Man, that was quick.

JOHN: Here's your medicine, Ringo.

RINGO: What for?

JOHN: For your headache.

RINGO: How does it work?

PAUL: (Rolled his eyes) Oh, Ringo. It helps to make your head better.

JOHN: (Gave glass of water to Ringo) Here. Take this pill, and drink it down with some water.

(Ringo swallow the pill with water)

JOHN: (To Paul) Boy. Ringo having amnesia is giving ME a headache.

GEORGE: (Came in) Hey, fellas. How's Ringo?

PAUL: Still has amnesia. How do we get him back to normal?

JOHN: I don't know. Dr. Robert will have to figure it out first.

GEORGE: Shhh, Ringo's sleeping.

(They saw Ringo asleep)

JOHN: (Took a look at the medicine) Well, what do ya know. It's a sleeping medicine, too. He he.

PAUL: I'm gonna go eat.

GEORGE: Count me in.

JOHN: I'll stay here with Ringo.

(Paul George left)

NARRATOR: During the week, Ringo always fell down a lot, but Dr. Robert's there to help him with the other boys. Then, Ringo always gets headaches, and he fell asleep after taking medicines. And finally, he sleepwalks every night, and the boys always caught him before he gets hurt. The next morning, while George is in the room with Ringo watching TV...

PAUL: (Calling on George's walkie talkie) George! This is an emergency!

GEORGE: What is it, Paul?

PAUL: Come to Dr. Robert's office. Hurry! (Being grabbed) AHH!

GEORGE: Oh my! Be right there!

(Ran off)

NARRATOR: So George rushed down to Dr. Robert's office, and when he got in, Dr. Robert got tied up, and Paul and John are being grabbed by a crook named Bandit.

GEORGE: Blimey!

BANDIT: Alright, bud. I'm the new doctor of this hospital, and you guys will to listen to what I want you to do.

PAUL: Never. You may have captured Dr. Robert, but you're NOT gonna be a new doctor here.

BANDIT: That's what you think. He he he he.

(George punches Bandit, the boys started to run, Bandit ran after them)

BANDIT: Come back here, you blokes!

GEORGE: Quick! Get in there!

(The boys ran into Ringo's room, Bandit ran off)

JOHN: He's gone.

RINGO: What's going on?

GEORGE: Ringo. Bandit captured Dr. Robert so he can take over the hospital.

RINGO: Is that bad?


RINGO: Alright! Just asking.

BANDIT: (Came in) Aha! There you boys are!

(Boys gasp except Ringo)

PAUL: (Grab Ringo's hand) Come on, Ringo. We gotta get outta here.

RINGO: But I wanna stay here and go to sleep.

PAUL: No. We don't want to leave you here if we're in big trouble here.

RINGO: Alright, then.

(The boys ran off, Bandit ran after them)

NARRATOR: While the boys kept on running, Bandit grabbed his laso rope, and caught John, Paul and George. Ringo looked back, then he slipped and ran to the wall.

(Ringo fell on his head)


BANDIT: Ha! Now I got ya!

JOHN: (To Paul and George) I got an idea.

(John holds up a scalpel)


(The boys got out scalpels, cut the rope off together)


PAUL: Yes. Now WE got you!

NARRATOR: But then, Bandit got out a sleeping powder to sprinkle some to the boys. Then, the boys felt sleepy. Suddenly...

RINGO: (Woke up) Mmm...Huh? Wh-wh-wh-where am I? How did I...

GEORGE: Ringo...save...yourself. (Fell asleep)

RINGO: Blimey! (Look up at Bandit)

BANDIT: He he he he.

RINGO: (Got up, tap on shoulder) Pardon me.


(Ringo punches Bandit, Bandit fell on his head)

RINGO: (Turned to the boys) Fellas. Wake up. (Light bulb lights up) I know!

NARRATOR: Ringo put three stethoscopes into each of his bandmates' ears, and then...

RINGO: (Inhale) WAKE UP!


JOHN: Ringo. Why did you do that for?

RINGO: I wanted to help you, John.

JOHN: Did you say 'John'?

RINGO: Y-yeah.

JOHN, PAUL GEORGE: You're back! (Hugging Ringo)

RINGO: (Laughing) Hey! What in blazes are you guys talkin' about?

GEORGE: Well, it's like this...

NARRATOR: So, the boys told Ringo what happened to him, and why he was in the hospital. They also told him that Bandit captured Dr. Robert, so that he could take over the hospital. Ringo was quite surprised.

RINGO: Blimey! Did I REALLY got a plate in my head?

PAUL: Yep. Listen. (Paul knocked on Ringo's head and heard a banging sound)

RINGO: Oh my,thomas sabo halskette! So, that's how I got a crack on my skull after I got knocked out, and got amnesia?

JOHN: That's how it happened.

GEORGE: Now, come on. We gotta get Dr. Robert outta there.

(Ran off)

NARRATOR: Later on, after the saved Dr. Robert...

DR. ROBERT: Well, Ringo. Now that you haven't got amnesia anymore and you're all better, I suggest that you may go.

RINGO: Thanks, sir. I owe it all to you. (Turned to John, Paul and George) And I owe it all to you guys, too.

JOHN: Ah,Air Max 180, we're your friends, Ringo. And friends always make each other feel better.

DR. ROBERT: Say Ringo,mont blanc Etoile, do you remember how you got hit on the head?

RINGO: Well, I guess it was from when we were chased by our fans, and maybe I accidently went to a dead end. I wasn't looking where I was going,Vibram Five Fingers Women, then I bumped into the wall, and fell on me head.

DR. ROBERT: Wow. That's what I call a real knockout.

RINGO: Yeah, a good knock on the head. Huh huh huh huh, yeah.

DR. ROBERT: Well, thanks again, boys. Come back and visit anytime.

PAUL: Sure thing.

BOYS: Bye!

(The boys left the hospital)

NARRATOR: Well, now that Ringo's amnesia has taken care of, the boys head on home. I certainly know how that felt when Ringo has a headache. I'm getting a headache myself from all that amnesia stuff. Just kidding. He he he.

PAUL: Boy, what a loooong week.

GEORGE: You said it.

JOHN: Yeah. It's really good just walking down the sidewalk on a nice sunny...

(John trip, and bumped his head on the street pole)

RINGO: John! (Caught John from falling)

JOHN: (Feeling woozy) Oh, mother. I don't want to wake up now. I'm tired.

RINGO: Now that's a real knockout.


~THE END~Topics related articles芜湖市ktv招聘信息

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